
Showing posts from July, 2024

Lagunas de Ruidera & Campo de Criptana

 ¡Hola a todos! This past weekend we went on our second big excursion, traveling to two incredible sites in the countryside of Castilla-La Mancha: Lagunas de Ruidera Natural Park and the molinos of Campo de Criptana.  Lagunas de Ruidera is a protected natural area famous for its 15 beautiful lagoons, which appear to be separate lakes but are actually all connected by small streams, waterfalls, and subterranean waterways. The lakes are famous for the beautiful blue-green color of the water, and have been mentioned in famous works such as Don Quixote! We arrived at the park at around 9:30am, where we were greeted by our tour guide. He hopped in the bus with us and showed us around the park, telling us how the lagoons were formed, how they were used in the past, and what kinds of plants and wildlife live in the area today-- including some flora and fauna that exist no where else in the province! Then we took a break, ate some lunch, and hung out by the 'beach' for a few hours. It