Getting to know the city

Hola a todos, we've had a busy past few days in Ciudad Real! Yesterday was the students' first full day of classes. They're all already working hard and learning a lot-- but that doesn't mean they're not still having fun! During our first break yesterday, some students passed the time playing card games, while others played a bit of fútbol with some kids at the school. After lunch, we all went outside for afternoon activities. The activity of the day: ¡deportes! Some students started a pick-up game of soccer, some tossed around a football (and tried to teach me how to throw it correctly), while others took the opportunity to relax and bask in the sun.

Later that evening, we all met at the school gates for a walking tour of Ciudad Real. Our tour guide, Maru, showed us some incredible sights and we learned so much about the history of the city! Among other things, we saw some of the oldest buildings in the city, statues of Don Quijote and Miguel de Cervantes, a fossilized mastodon skeleton found in the area and the stunning interior of the Catedral [name]. You can see a few of the sights (and your students) in the photos below.

We're all having a fantastic time here in Ciudad Real, and I can't wait to share more of our adventure! I'll update you all again later this week with some pictures of our time in class and our trip to Córdoba.




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