A warm welcome



We're finally here! After a long and exciting day of travel, the students arrived in Ciudad Real by bus on Saturday afternoon and have spent the weekend resting, getting to know their host families, and enjoying their first taste of Spain. 

The students made the most of our journey here, using the all the time spent in airports, planes, and busses to play games, get to know each other better, and even crochet. They started speaking Spanish the moment we touched down in Madrid and I'm already so impressed-- both by the language skills they already have and their willingness to ask questions and learn more! When we arrived in Ciudad Real a few hours later, the students were greeted by their new host families. The excitement was palpable; everyone was so happy to finally meet in person! 

 Tomorrow the students will see their new school for the first time and take a preliminary exam to test their current knowledge. I can't wait to update you all soon! In the meantime, please enjoy some pictures from our journey.




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