Class is in session!

 ¡Hola a todos!

Today the students attended their first day of classes in Ciudad Real! After a weekend with their host families, students made their way to school and arrived ready to learn and see their new friends again. Today students took their first language exams, which test where their Spanish skills are at the beginning of the program. At the end of the month they'll take a final exam to see how much they've improved! When they finished their exams students had a bit of time to relax before they were introduced to their new classes: Grammar, Linguistics, Literature, and Culture & Communication. They only got a taste of what's to come, but everyone was already excited and engaged--- I even saw some students doing their homework at lunch! We had lunch today at 1:15pm, which may seem late to Americans but is normal (even a bit early!) in Spain. Afterwards we spent the afternoon playing a few games and getting to know each other better. It was overall a great start to the week, and we're all very excited for what's to come! Enjoy a few pictures of our lunch today below; I'll have even more to share later this week 😊




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