Time to dance: Learning La jota manchega and sevillanas

 ¡Hola a todos! Last week, the students got the chance to learn a little bit more about the local culture of La Mancha, this time through the language of dance! We're learning two dances: the first is called la jota manchega, and is a local variation of the jota, a folk dance that you can find in many areas of Spain. The second kind, called sevillanas, are native to Andalucia, and specifically (as you might have guessed) to Seville and are closely related to flamenco. If you're curious what these dances look like, you can see some examples in the videos linked below:

La jota manchega:


We began learning these dances last Friday, and will continue learning more this week! Check out some pictures of the group during our first lesson, along with our instructors Paula and Paula (yes, really!):


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